Mr Jay Grimes give me the idea of the meaning of my work today.

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In my last Spring Camp with Jay Grimes and Vintage Pilates family; he said: as your clients why are at your Studio today! The workshop named: “Joe Pilates Method and how to apply it” This is a beautiful and joyful experiment that allow me to improve my work day by day.

And I did! and the answers are here. I would like to share with all of you my own experience as a teacher and student of LuzLife Private Pilates Studio here in USA.

The Question is; Why are you coming to LuzLife or contact LuzLife via Skype?

Some of the Answers are here:

“I am so excited to have met Luz and have the opportunity to train with her. She is a fabulous instructor who is totally dedicated to teaching classical Pilates. I have been very fortunate to have practiced Pilates for 20 years and consider it a blessing to have such a wonderful instructor in my area” Lynn Carden

“I had serious back problems starting in 2007 that were life changing, making it hard to even walk a quarter mile or more without a brace, and even still quite limited with a back brace. Physical therapists recommended Pilates. It wasn’t until I finished grad school in 2016 that I had the finances to do real, quality Pilates training. It has been incredibly helpful, I’ve gotten much stronger and have less pain. I’m also much more resilient when flare-ups or pain triggers happen. In working with Luz for the past 9 months, I’ve noticed even more and faster changes. I’m much stronger than I though I’d ever be, and I can walk a mile (maybe more) now without a back brace or pain flare-up (several years ago, the flare-up from walking long periods could last for weeks). I also understand my body more and can better address its needs” Beth Ready

I come to LuzLife because of the excellent instruction and learning experience I get from Luz and the amazing benefits I get from Pilates. I have always been fairly active with a variety of exercising methodologies but I have never done anything that is so beneficial to my total body and in particular my spine as I have experience with Pilates. David Snyder

The reason why I work with LuzLife?
Very simple, I know that I am working with the best available human body, mind and soul care. ❣ 
Johara Al-Suwaidi

To gain physical and mental strength. Luz is a great teacher helping me correct improper posture. She pushes me to do more than I can on my own.
Michelle Driver Slocum

I am working with Luzlife to gain better control over my spine health and get my body into alignment following other workout programs that I do. I always feel so much better after I finish a session with Luzlife, as if my whole being has been restored to normal. Luz is an expert in the field of classical Pilates, and I feel safe in her hands. I would recommend Luzlife to anyone who needs more light, positivity, and flexibility in their life. ❤️🙏🏼 Melanie Smith

“I have been practicing Pilates at LuzLife Studio for 14 months without interruption. I am amazed at the strength and flexibility that I have gained. Luz has a keen intuition and each session is guided by what my body needs. Sometimes it is to loosen tight hips and spine and sometimes it is to correct incongruence in my body symmetry.

I spend many hours each day in my car as part of my job. Over this past year, Luz and Pilates have completely corrected my posture while driving. I am so thankful.

Just last week I returned to a swimming regime that I hadn’t completed in more than 3 years and to my surprise I had better form in all my strokes. Because of my improved stroke efficiency, my endurance was off the charts!!

The most gratifying of all has been the inner strength which Luz and Pilates have helped me to see was always there.

Luz respects her clients and expects the same in return. She runs her business with high integrity and keeps to her policies which I find refreshing.

Highly recommend to anyone who has never practiced Pilates (that was me -14 months ago) or to anyone needing skilled teaching in precision movement.“- Sandra B

Here is my response:

I started Pilates with Luz 18 months ago. At that time, I wanted to gain some increased strength and flexibility without doing weight training as I was recovering from Mold Illness and a weakened immune system.

Now, I do Pilates with Luz because I can tell a huge difference in my functional movement patterns on a daily basis and if I go more than a week without working with her I loose significant strength and flexibility in a very short period of time. In addition to maintaining my spinal flexibility and general limberness I find that my other hobbies like biking, swimming and hiking are much more enjoyable because I have so much core strength from Pilates

Thanks Luz!!!

I come to Luz for classic Pilates instruction to strengthen my understanding of how I move, feel smarter when I move and improve my ability to move. Stronger. Smarter. Better.
I choose Luz because she teaches and the results are proof. Kate Berding

I come to LuzLife Studio to strengthen my spine, core and body for a healthier life. To help manage my medical issues. To lengthen and build a stronger body. I love and trust the Classical Joseph  Pilates system! Michelle Lassley.

I started Pilates with Luz 18 months ago. At that time, I wanted to gain some increased strength and flexibility without doing weight training as I was recovering from Mold Illness and a weakened immune system.

Thanks Luz!!!

Now, I do Pilates with Luz because I can tell a huge difference in my functional movement patterns on a daily basis and if I go more than a week without working with her I loose significant strength and flexibility in a very short period of time. In addition to maintaining my spinal flexibility and general limberness I find that my other hobbies like biking, swimming and hiking are much more enjoyable because I have so much core strength from Pilates Thanks Luz!!!

‘I work with Luz because of her extensive knowledge of the body & her expertise in Pilates. I have always been active but as I have gotten older a “one size fits all” workout program is no longer beneficial. I will turn 50 this year & after working w/Luz for over a year I am so much stronger & more flexible than ever. Luz designs a program to fit my specific needs each session. Some days I’m up for an intense session while other days I need more gentle stretching. We discuss at the beginning of each session where my body & mind are that particular day. So no 2 sessions are ever the same. She is simply the best instructor I’ve ever worked with & I always leave feeling better than when I arrived! Whitney Clement

“I come to LuzLife Pilates to provide my body movement and flexibility” Mary Fitzgerald

“My Pilates Workout at LuzLife Studio always feel as if they have been created and adapted specially for my body. Luz is a pleasure to work with an outstanding teacher” Jesi Lundy

LuzlIfe Private Studio Principals

LuzLife Private Studio in Roanoke Virginia USA

LuzLife Sanctuary
“Moving from the Back”
Luz at Work!
LuzLife learning from Jay Grimes