Class Schedule

What is Breathing at LuzLife Total Pilates in Qatar

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September – October 2013

Dear Clients and Students; Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio; getting ready to expand our Mind, Body and Soul, uplifting the Spiritual Fitness and shaping our path.

LuzLife Total Pilates Method, is now with more to share, after 3 weeks of deep immersion of learning Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal issues and Breathing technique in situ.  Let the Body be Healthy and Open your Heart!

Please for more information you can contact me here and also please have a look at “class  schedule” and see how I can help you. Namaste


What is Flowing at LuzLife Private Studio in Qatar.

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What is Flowing

Dear students and clients at LuzLife Private Studio in Qatar.
I am dedicated extra time to training Pilates in musculoskeletal issues, rehabilitation and healthy diets; also Rediscovering the Path of Loving Kindness.

All private session will be resume from 15 of September.  Please if you have any question  I am always here  an you can contact me as follows:

Twitter: @luzlife
LinkedIn: Luz Alejandra Lovern
FB  Page: Luzlife  Total Pilates

Remember keep moving, breathing and flowing from inside out and listen your body.


Luz A. Lovern
Owner and CEO  of LuzLife Pilates Total

Moving Forward with LuzLife Pilates Total

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August – September 2013

Dear Clients and Students at LuzLife, Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio; I like to inform you that I will be out of Qatar from August 20 until September 09 of 2013.


Also I like to invite you to be part of the first LuzLife Pilates Total, Teaching Training; 80 hours of learning, practicing, breathing.  LuzLife Pilates Total, First Degree we will have fundamental, Anatomy, Physiology and Rehabilitation thought Pilates Method by LuzLife, designed and conducted by Luz Alejandra Lovern.
