accepting the universe!

150 150 LuzLife

Hello Friends,


The greatest possession that we have is -self-possesion.

All we pursuit happiness like ultimate goal in our life.  We keep thinking that the paradise is far away and taking our retreat as a detox for mind and body; for sure is a great way to be recharge with good energy.  For how long we can keep this energy? for how long we can be balanced… we don’t know for sure.

What happens when we can’t go away and get the bliss done is fast track mode… So we need to be able to stand in our own feet and learning how we can be less stress, less unhappy and less selfish with our own existence.

We need to learn to cultivate our own soul food, grow and be still.  Facing every single day like a new day of hope, and be part of the Universe.422821_10150744536305152_98923893_n

If we are availabe to spend time with somebody that really need help or need some advice; you are going to have great and positive impact in your own path.  Give away love, time and listen others in some point you will get all the benefits back; just let flow like river, like cloud in the sky…, we are all connected and we need each others.

Just be sure when you are in front of any body that really need your help, be ready to give some “me time” away.  You will fell wonderful after that!

Then we can go for Meditation, Retreats and detox program; just be sure you are detoxing your daily existence and renewing energies, not matter where we are, and how is hour external and internal condition.  We can do better for others so we can do better for our self.429305_10150744539120152_1443722900_n

Accepting the universe! that is every where and of course is inside of you, just take some time to understand how beautiful could be a simple day of our life.

Light on You!

Luz Lovern





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