LuzLife Pilates Total

Now! Group of Pilates Reformer at LuzLife Studio

150 150 LuzLife


I am very happy to share with all of you that great notice for our Pilates Community here in Qatar; now we are available to have a Group of Pilates Reformer Classes.

The Pilates Reformer is the best known piece of Pilates equipment. It is a bed like frame with a moveable carriage on which a person sits or reclines for resistance exercise or stretching. It is an excellent method of exercising without over stressing the joints while strengthening, shaping and leaning muscles throughout the entire body.

10268594_10152099579895614_4984910140396351608_nThe Pilates Reformer is excellent for physical rehabilitation and get back into shape before or after childbirth as well as normal exercise to improve quality of life. For best effect, attend a group reformer class. The student should have at least ten (10) private lessons from a Pilates professional for a personalized Pilates program that is focused on the individual requirements of each student.LuzLife Pilates can provide such personalized programs. Pilates Reformer classes will be conducted for up to 3 persons per class.

This class is geared toward those who already attend private lessons and want to work out at a steady pace with limited personal attention.

For hygiene requirements, please bring a small towel and clean socks – no gym shoes will be used. Prior to attending class, please bathe and wear deodorant, but avoid excessive perfume. Cell-phones need to be switched off at all times!

Be part of the New Journey at LuzLife Total Pilates! Shaping your body and mind from within!Contrology is designed to give your suppleness, natural grace and that will be unmistakably reflected in all you do.- J. Pilates

Luz's Total Pilates Method

Luz’s Total Pilates Method

Strengthen, lengthen, and sculpt your muscles with the full range of Pilates Method by Luz A. Lovern “LuzLife Total Pilates” our official Page in FB.

At the Same time Teaching Yin Yoga Principals to relax and be more centered. Stretching our Fascia tissues and calming our Mind and Body.

1488318_643462095718569_1008894263_nLuzLife, Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio; is working in Rehabilitation Programs in Pilates and Alexander Technique. Including also Rehabilitation programs and Isometric exercise to strength for special needs.

Keep moving and let flow…

Luz A. Lovern

Introducing a Group of Pilates Reformer Classes

150 150 LuzLife


From 20th of October 2014 I am Introducing a Group of Pilates Reformer Classes.

The Pilates Reformer is the best known piece of Pilates equipment. It is a bed like frame with a moveable carriage on which a person sits or reclines for resistance exercise or stretching.  It is an excellent method of exercising without over stressing the joints while strengthening, shaping and leaning muscles throughout the entire body.  The Pilates Reformer is excellent for physical rehabilitation and get back into shape before or after childbirth as well as normal exercise to improve quality of life.


Joseph Pilates developed his work from a strong personal experience in fitness. Unhealthy as a child, Joseph Pilates studied many kinds of self-improvement systems. He drew from Eastern practices and Zen Buddhism, and was inspired by the ancient Greek ideal of man perfected in development of body, mind and spirit. On his way to developing the Pilates Method, Joseph Pilates studied anatomy and developed himself as a body builder, a wrestler, gymnast, boxer, skier and diver.
After WWI, Joseph Pilates briefly returned to Germany where his reputation as a physical trainer/healer preceded him. In Germany, he worked briefly for the Hamburg Military Police in self-defense and physical training. In 1925, he was asked to train the German army. Instead, he packed his bags and took a boat to New York City. On the boat to America, Joseph met Clara, a nurse, who would become his wife. He went on to establish his studio in New York and Clara worked with him as he evolved the Pilates method of exercise, invented the Pilates exercise equipment, and of course, trained students.

For best effect, attend a group reformer class.  The student should have at least ten (10) private lessons from a Pilates professional for a personalized Pilates program that is focused on the individual requirements of each student.

LuzLife Pilates can provide such personalized programs.

 Pilates Reformer classes will be conducted for up to 3 persons per class.

This class is geared toward those who already attend private lessons and want to work out at a steady pace with limited personal attention.

 For hygiene requirements, please bring a small towel and clean socks – no gym shoes will be used.

 Prior to attending class, please bathe and wear deodorant, but avoid excessive perfume.

 Cell-phones need to be switched off at all times!  

Be part of the New Journey at LuzLife Total Pilates! Shaping your body and mind from within!


LuzLife Studio en Qatar

150 150 LuzLife

Clínica Privada Pilates y Yoga Studio se prepara para expandir nuestra mente, cuerpo y alma, elevando la aptitud espiritual y dar forma a nuestro camino.

LuzLife Estudio privado está enseñando Pilates Repertorio a la Población Especial.

Yin Yoga y Meditación
Pilates prenatal
Pilates con Equipamientos
Pilates y Yoga Sesión Yin
Meditación y Pilates total
Yoga y Pranayama
Rehabilitación con Pilates
Yin y Yang Yoga

Yoga por la Donación todos los jueves a las 16:00. clase abierta. Antes, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo y reservar su espacio. Traiga su propia colchoneta. Vamos a proporcionar “Peace and Yoga Asanas” por Barbara Moreno, profesor de yoga y la formación en la actualidad con Luz A. Lovern

Reiki Sesión sólo con cita previa. Por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo en o sólo enviarme un texto por teléfono al +974 55700967

Ahora mezcla la quietud de Yin Yoga con los principios del Método Pilates.
La sesión privada semi en Reformer Pilates y otros equipos y Yoga, Meditación y Pranayama. Por favor, si usted tiene un amigo o pareja que quieran compartir esta experiencia, ponerse en contacto conmigo en o +974 55700967 o enviar un mensaje de texto.

Me estoy concentrando en temas de músculo esquelético y te necesito Rehabilitación con Pilates, Alexander Technique o Yoga para necesidades especiales.
Quiero conseguir tantos beneficios como sea posible de este programa. Así que por favor, necesito que usted tiene un compromiso total y la mejora de su bienestar, el cuerpo y la mente.


Luz A. Lloverán

Sitting tall with balance

150 150 LuzLife

LuzLife is introducing in her Studio the Balance Cushion to Strengthen Core Stability and to have happy spine.

As a Spiritual Fitness Instructor, I like to introduce and share with you our very own experiences in our private  Studio here in Qatar.  For weeks I have kept a e Balance Cushion in a chair and I asked to my students use it and to give feedback.  And the results are all good news!

All was agree that the balance cushion works to improve balance, pelvic floor and core strength and  the Power House,improving the posture.  So now I am making the Balance Cushion available to selected students to continue the practice in their own home.

Just sitting on balance cushion encourages active and dynamic sitting, helping to the hip and sacroiliac joints to decrease the tension. The Balance Cushion is placed directly onto the chair in your home or office or any place that you will be seating for long hours, which means that the body has to make continuous small movements to correct balance and correct our posture and release the tension that we create in our upper back, shoulder and entire body. These movements that we use are simple and efficient to help strengthen the deep core stabilizing muscles which provide postural support to the body, breathing with freedom and our mind is more present and we can be more connected from within.

am experiencing and testing the cushion myself to demonstrate that what the advertisements say is true and yes it worksIt’s also easy to carry, and has benefits similar to the medicine ball that you may have at home or your work place or maybe in your storage…

The best way to use a stability cushion to improve core strength and posture is to simply to sit on it for short periods during the day.  It is still possible to slouch when sitting on a stability cushion so it remains important to be aware of maintaining a good sitting posture.  That way we can avoid many injuries and misalignment in our marvelous spine, joints, and our entire body will get the benefit.

Healthy sitting, healthy spine, peaceful mind!

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Luz A. Lovern