
La Practica del Yoga Karuna

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10488387_749509258447185_2132991455637615766_nHola Universo!

Yoga para la Compasión

Me gustaría presentar nuestra Sesión de Yoga todos los jueves a las 4 pm. Costo: Yoga por donación

Por favor, reserve su estera, las plazas son limitadas

Donde:  LuzLife Estudio en Qatar

Barbara Moreno nuestra Yogini y Profesor de Yoga está dando como una manera hermosa y orgánica para acercarse práctica del yoga para ayudar y liberar la tensión emocional y física que podemos crear. Aprender a Respirar y relajar nuestra mente.

Karuna (compasión): Karuna se relaciona con la palabra karma. Es la intención y capacidad de aliviar y transformar el sufrimiento, para aligerar el dolor. Mientras que la palabra karuna es generalmente “se traduce como” compasión “, que literalmente significa sufrir con” Thich Nhat Hanh, el monje budista y maestro, ha señalado que no necesitamos sufrir a nosotros mismos con el fin de aliviar el sufrimiento de otra persona. Los médicos, por ejemplo, no tienen que sufrir la enfermedad con el fin de aliviar el dolor de sus pacientes. El Buda describió karuna como el “temblor del corazón” que experimentamos cuando estamos abiertos y capaces de ver realmente el sufrimiento y nos mueve a hacer algo al respecto.

Por favor, para más información, visite nuestro sitio web y haga clic en este enlace.


Sarva Mangalam!

Luz A. Lovern

El verano está aquí!

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photo-17Lo que está fluyendo en el Estudio Privado de LuzLife en los meses de Mayo – Junio 2013.

jEl verano está aquí Ramadán viene muy pronto! les invito ser parte del camino revolucionario y saludable. Equilibra tu cuerpo, mente y espíritu!

Yin Yoga se dirige a los tejidos conectivos ( cartílagos, tendones, ligamentos, fascias )

Yin Yoga da la oportunidad de explorar su cuerpo y relajar la mente ahora estoy mezclando con Pilates Clásico.

Ahora estoy comenzando con sesiones de Yoga y Pilates  privada y semi privadas. Contrology el Arte del Movimiento o el método Pilates esta diseñado para  flexibilidad, la gracia natural y reflejar nuestro propio interior, calmado y sereno”. Luz A. Lovern

Fortalecer, elongar y esculpir sus músculos con la gama completa de Método Pilates por Luz A. Lovern ” LuzLife totales Pilates ” . Al mismo tiempo,  estoy impartiendo sesiones de Yin Yoga para relajarse y estar más centrados. Estirar nuestros tejidos Fascia y calmar nuestra mente y cuerpo, y tener mejor disposición para la Meditación.

LuzLife Estudio Privado; está trabajando en programas de rehabilitación en Pilates y Técnica Alexander. Incluye también programas de rehabilitación y ejercicio isométrico en popa para las necesidades especiales.

Antes de comenzar su programa de ejercicios en LuzLife Estudio es importante saber que:

Usted tendrá una entrevista personal y la evaluación física , donde tendrá el programa día a medida por Luz Lovern . Por favor consejo su condición médica y física. Esta evaluación y entrevista personal es gratis.

Para obtener más información acerca de horario de clases solamente envíe un mensaje a  Tambien por favor visite el siguiente enlace

Namaskar !

Summer is Here!

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What is Flowing at LuzLife Private Studio Mayo – June 2014

Summer is here and the Holy Ramadan is coming next month.

Be part of the revolutionary and healthy way to be fit from inside out.  Balance your Body, Mind and Spirit!

Now I am blending Yin Yoga is targeting the connective tissues (cartilages, tendons, ligaments, fascias). with Classical Pilates  Mat work, sitting and standing Repertoire.

I am opening “Part Time Pilates Private and Semiprivate Session this season”  Contrology the Art of the Movement or Pilates Method s designed to give your suppleness, natural grace and that will be reflected in all you do.

– J. Pilates

Strengthen, lengthen, and sculpt your muscles with the full range of Pilates Method by Luz A. Lovern and J. Pilates.  At the Same time Teaching Yin Yoga Principals to relax and be more centered.  Stretching our Fascia tissues and calming our Mind and Body.

LuzLife, Private Studio; is working in Rehabilitation Programs in Pilates and Alexander Technique, Meditation and Reiki sesion.  Including also Rehabilitation programs and Isometric exercise to strength for special needs.

Before beginning your exercise program at LuzLife Studio

You will have a personal interview and physical assessment,  where you will have the tailored day program by Luz Lovern.  Please advice your medical and physical condition.  This evaluation and personal interview has not charge for the future client.

For more information about Class Schedule please visit the following link  and you can contact me only at for now.


LuzLife setting new limits every day!

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 Once upon a time a baby princess was swept away by her entourage to protect her from the life of being raised as royalty in the kings court and hidden away in a family of gypsies in a far away land. She grew wearing second hand clothes and wearing the same clothes to school every day having to walk through cold winds and rain with the wind cutting through her thin clothes and rain soaking her worn socks through her worn out shoes. But everyday she survived telling herself that she was a princess and that all of these bad things will pass. Many years passed and she was sought out may many false princes who promised to restore her to the life of royalty that she deserved. Finally, one day she was crossing the street singing to herself a song that she knew would send her home to safety when a horse who did not know she was a princess ran her over and left her lying broken in the street and people who also didn’t know of her royalty picked her up and cared for her until she was well. She never told them she was a princess for fear that they would not believe. She then decided that she would set out on her own to find her castle and treasure that was waiting for her is a far away place that she did not know. Her travels took her to far away and unfamiliar jungles, seas and ruins of extinct civilizations; to far away continents and tropical jungles and high cold mountains where ruins of ancient civilizations and promises of spiritual enlightenment began to inspire her awareness of her true self realizing that her kingdom and her subjects were all around her where she went. She learned strength from the Ashanga people, endurance from the Garuda people and core awareness from the Pilates people. The tests of her journey left her with inner cervical focus that required the teachings and magic spells of the great Guru Verapan who helped her restore the inner strength to continue her journey. Still not satisfied that she was prepared to continue her journey to her kingdom she ventured to learn peace, meditation and breathing from the tribe of Yin. Now she fly one more time to meet her Pilates Guru; to bring back the the ultimate in Pilates for her own Studio. 

Today her journey continue …

By Marvin L. Lovern DSC_0004 rev

Que esta creciendo en LuzLife Studio Privado

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Ya en Qatar y muy contenta de estar rabajando con todos ustedes. Muchas gracias por todos sus hermosos mensajes de saludo y buenas energías.  Acabo de terminar una capacitación docente en Formación del Profesorado de Yin Yoga, anatomía, teoría y práctica con Sebastian Pucelle y Murielle Burellier www.with –

Volveré a volar de nuevo; esta vez para Pilates y entrenamiento Aparato con mi escuela original y Maestros de Pilates Body &Flow; refrescante y revitalizadoras energías para mi trayectoria como profesor de Pilates.

Estoy my agradecida de tener Capacitación Docente muy amplia y completa en Pilates aquí en Qatar durante los próximos meses . Me gustaría invitar a usted para obtener más información . Por favor, siéntase libre de escribirme para más detalles. Voy a estar fuera de Qatar, del 18 de febrero al 4 de marzo de 2014 para la formación.

LuzLife , Private Clinic Pilates y Yoga Studio , está trabajando en programas de rehabilitación en Pilates y Técnica Alexander . Incluye también programas de rehabilitación y ejercicio isométrico a la fuerza para necesidades especiales , Enseñanza de Yin Yoga y Meditación temprano y la practica diaria de Pranayama.

Namaste .


What is growing at LuzLife Private Studio

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Already back in Qatar and I am being working with all of you.  Thanks very much for all your beautiful feedback and greeting.   I just completed a teaching training in Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Anatomy, Theory and Practice with Sebastian Pucelle and Murielle Burellier

I will be back to fly again this time for Pilates and Apparatus training with my original School  and Pilates Master Pilates Body&Flow; refreshing and reenergize my path as a Pilates Teacher.

I am honestly happy that I will be able to have very comprehensive and complete Teaching Training in Pilates here in Qatar during the next months.  I would like to invite you for more information.  Please feel free to call me or text me at for more details.  I will be out of Qatar from 18 of February until March 4 of 2014 for training.

LuzLife, Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio; is working in Rehabilitation Programs in Pilates and Alexander Technique.  Including also Rehabilitation programs and Isometric exercise to strength for special needs, Teaching Yin Yoga and early Pranayana and Meditation.


Back in Qatar, Teaching with Love and Gratitude

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I am answering mails and notes about requested session;  LuzLife energies is getting lightening and stronger in peace in so many way.  After my first training this year in Yin Yoga and meet lovely peoples from every where of this Planet.  Was meant to be at this time.

Teaching Pilates from the root, blending my present with my own experience and your necessities, giving balance and honest guide in how we need to get out of pain and stiffness sometime could be emotional or mental as well.

Our Body is design to move and flow; our life need to be fulfill with stillness, peace and freedom; our mind need to help us in harmony.

Welcome to all new students to LuzLife Private Studio here in Qatar, happy to see you again at this time my commitments clients and students.

We pursuit happiness and wellness as a ultimate goal, we pursuit harmony and peace of mind.  LuzLife is moving with another energies this time.  Healing and restoring my own path; to be in balance with the universe.  by Luz A. Lovern





De vuelta en Qatar, Enseñando con Amor y Gratitud

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Estoy contenta de estar de vuelta en casa y trabajar en lo que me gusta.

Aquí estoy respondiendo mails y notas sobre las sesiones solicitadas;  las energías de LuzLife están consiguiendo aligerar y más fuerte en la paz de manera plena . Después de mi primer entrenamiento este año en Yin Yoga y cumplir y conocer muchas personas de todo este hermoso planeta llamado Tierra. Estaba destinado a ser en este momento.

Enseñando Pilates de la raíz , mezclando mi presente con mi propia experiencia y vuestra necesidades, dando equilibrio y una guía honesta en la forma en que tenemos que salir de dolor y rigidez en algún momento puede ser emocional o mental.

Nuestro cuerpo está diseñado para moverse y fluir ; nuestra vida diaria tendría que ser un ejemplo de quietud, la paz y la libertad de circulación necesita de la libertad de la mente.

Bienvenidos a todos los nuevos estudiantes a LuzLife Estudio privado aquí en Qatar, feliz de regresar y agradecer a mis fieles clientes y estudiantes .

Perseguimos la armonía, la paz interior el bienestar como objetivo, la armonía y la búsqueda de la paz de la mente. LuzLife se está moviendo con otras energías este momento. La curación y la restauración de mi propio camino, para estar en equilibrio con el universo. por Luz A. Lovern

Namaste .


The Energies of Yin Yoga

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The Energies of Yin Yoga

When I am sitting here and moving, breathing with freedom again; coming to my mind is how Yin Yoga is helping me at this moments, how these beautiful energies that are coming and going in between my muscles, bones and connective tissues, flowing from within.
I choose to go step by step with patience, let it go and trust.  For this I have chosen Yin Yoga Teaching Training; listening carefully my heart and listening my body.  Of course my mind was scare and afraid.  I was also.
The choose of my teacher this time was meant to be.
Practicing and Teaching for years Yoga, Reiki, Pilates and Cycling Coach; keep me in balance for a while; but I knew something very important was missing.
Today I am moving with freedom of mind and free from pain.  Working in my own path and cleaning the Spiritual Fitness, I am mending my own mind, body and soul.
Get connected with fascia and learned how the net working in marvelous way; how important is to have the freedom and let the light flow from inside out.  Is something that I was experience in this training, and was beyond.  Actually I did not have any expectation; I was just there to learn from the roots from the core of my path.
Learning more and more about anatomy, physiology and how we are all conected and how unix we are.  And over all loving kindness for ourself.
This experience has being the most remarkable in the last 7 months after my new Path.  The most positive answer I get from outside.  At the begining was very hard to face all again with courage and determination, because I knew was not the end for me.  I am sure has being a test for detox and purify the way I was teaching and living.
Honestly I need to say big thanks to my teachers Murielle Burellier and Sebastian Pucelle
You can visit the following websites:
Were you can find the inner peace…
Light on You!

by Luz A. Lovern

Abrace un árbol!

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Si usted siente que no puede seguir adelante más? Abrace un árbol! Si usted siente que la vida no es buena? Abrace un árbol! Si usted no tiene un árbol? mirarse en el espejo y decir lo mucho que amas a ti mismo y respetas a ti mismo! Si no puede ver más … Respirar simplemente respirar y percibirás impresionante la luz y se volverá a vosotros como energías suaves para la curación de su alma, la mente y el cuerpo. por LuzLife.