How to be Compassionate

Motivation from Alexander Technique Method

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What is the Alexander Technique?
Always I am searching to learn and spread the benefits.  As a teacher I like to share all the time my path.  I am being mixing a bit Pilates Method and Alexander Technique and blended in one pure session of great energy and creation.  Opening my ribs cage and 
lengthening one vertebrae at the time, taking deep breath and relax and engage my mind, body and soul to move inharmony with the cosmos.

1453432_616208138443965_1371557798_nI am happy; when I can transmit this energies to my students, when the are having all the benefits of Total Pilates by LuzLife.

LuzLife Total Pilates, is not the regular Pilates session is about Pilates, Yoga, Present Moment, Relaxation, Meditation and taking all this elements that I am collecting in my path to put at your service and help you to learn from your own body.

I am taking this text from and invite you to explore this beautiful technique that helping me, helping you and a lot of peoples that having body issues.

“The Alexander technique is a way of learning how you can get rid of harmful tension in your body.”Although certainly not a full definition of the Alexander Technique, this is a good start.*

“The Alexander Technique is a way of learning to move mindfully through life. The Alexander process shines a light on inefficient habits of movement and patterns of accumulated tension, which interferes with our innate ability to move easily and according to how we are designed. It’s a simple yet powerful approach that offers the opportunity to take charge of one’s own learning and healing process, because it’s not a series of passive treatments but an active exploration that changes the way one thinks and responds in activity. It produces a skill set that can be applied in every situation. Lessons leave one feeling lighter, freer, and more grounded.”

“The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a reeducation of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities…” from


Luz A. Lovern




Class Schedule updated 2013- January 2014 at LuzLife Sanctuary

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Class Schedule updated 2013 – January 2014 at LuzLife Sanctuary

I am calling for Teaching Training under Total Pilates by Luz A. Lovern

I have enormous demand of privates tuition in Total Pilates by LuzLife for that reason I really like that you be patient well understanding.

Now you can contact at the Personal assistant of LuzLife Private Studio, Mrs. Jeramae Bolando phone number+974 77033534 or mail at

 I know I am not good answering phone call or mails on time; is just I am teaching most of the day.  Please apologies if I am not as fast in answer as you need…  I am working from Sunday to Sunday.  As you know I am recovery from ACSF and need some time for my own Rehabilitation and Recovery time. That why I am ready to launch  Teaching Training under Total Pilates by Luz A. Lovern.  I need to expand  LuzLife Method and get Total Pilates Teacher in Qatar.

I really want you get as much benefits as possible from this program. So please I need that you have a full commitment and improving your wellbeing, body and mind.

Also I like to invite you to be part of the first LuzLife Pilates Total, Teaching Training; 80 hours of learning, practicing and breathing.  LuzLife Pilates Total, First Degree we will have fundamental, Anatomy, Physiology and Rehabilitation thought Pilates Method by LuzLife, designed and conducted by Luz Alejandra Lovern.

LuzLife, Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio; is working in Rehabilitation Programs in Pilates and Alexander Technique.  Including also Rehabilitation programs and Isometric exercise to strength for special needs.


Luz A. Lovern

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Class Schedule at LuzLife Nov – Dec 2013

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Class Schedule November 2013 – December 2013

Dear Clients and Students at LuzLife

I will be out of the Country from 24 until 30 of October of this year for training.

Also in November and December of 2013 is a training time!  time to expand my winds and refreshing the energies of the Spiritual Fitness.  Please you can have the lastest news here!

I want to you get as much benefits as possible from this program. So please I need that you have a full commitment and improving your wellbeing, body and mind. Be kind and mindful with you.  Also is very important that you have a whole benefits of Pilates Method, Yoga, Garuda Method, Reiki and Indoor Cycling sessions.  Eating well, breathing well, moving easily, shaping  your mind and body; looking great from within.

Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio is getting ready to expand our Mind, Body and Soul, uplifting the Spiritual Fitness and shaping our path.

Let the Body be Healthy and Open your Heart!

Also I like to invite you to be part of the first LuzLife Pilates Total, Teaching Training; 80 hours of learning, practicing and breathing.  LuzLife Pilates Total, First Degree we will have fundamental, Anatomy, Physiology and Rehabilitation thought Pilates Method by LuzLife, designed and conducted by Luz Alejandra Lovern.

LuzLife, Private Pilates Clinic and Yoga Studio; is working in Rehabilitation Programs in Pilates and Alexander Technique.  Including also Rehabilitation programs and Isometric exercise to strength for special needs.

Before beginning your exercise program at LuzLife Studio , you will have a personal interview and physical assessment,  where you will have the tailored day program by Luz Lovern.  Please advice your medical and physical condition.

Appointment Time
Each Private Session is based on a 60 minutes of work.
All appointments must be paid before of each session. This will reserve the time that you have booked and will also help you commit to your training goals.
Cancellation Policy
 All the Privates Session should be are subject to a strict 24 cancellation deadline.  If you are unable to attend please contact me immediately by mobile +974 5570 0967 also you can contact my personal assistant Jeramae at +974 7703 3534
Cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will forfeit your session and full session cost will be charged.
LuzLife Studio reserves the right to cancel the session if you are not committed to the program.
These policies are necessary to encourage commitment to the program and the will to invest your time and effort in self improvement that the LuzLife program can deliver.


Therapeutic Pilates
Musculo-skeletal issues
Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates
Reformer Pilates Cadillac Pilates and Tower System
Wunda Chair (Modern MVe Chair)
Corrector Barrel and High Ladder Barrel
Classical Mat Work – Sitting and Standing
Pilates and Indoor Cycling “The Spirit of Cycling”

Primary Focus in Hatha Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga (flow)

Reiki Session, just by appointment only.

Yoga for Kids
Prenatal Yoga
Post Natal Yoga
Yoga for Special Needs (Parkinson, Alzheimer, Diabetes Osteoporosis)
Breathing Technique
Diet and Well being counseling
Garuda Method
Garuda Foundation
Seating and Standing Garuda Method
Garuda Chair

Wellbeing and Motivations Technique by LuzLife Method

1379886_607382129326566_2058087514_n Light on YOU!

Changing your Focus

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L1021731 revChange Your Focus 

One of the most important manifestation of inner freedom is to be able to change our focus.  When we are available to be flexible from within.  We increase our vision and of course great positive impact in our Immune system, friends, work and all around.

Starting to stop in focusing on what is missing or wrong in your life or what we cant have now. Instead, focus on being grateful and content for all the things that you do have and all the parts of your life  and with others.

Every time you feeling or hear yourself thinking something negative; open the window of your mind and let the sunshine come in.  Open the doors of your perspective and have wide view of our present.

Be grateful and stay in constant movement, be open to the change that life offer to you today!  We need to spend more time in positive thought, positive and honest path. Detox from inside out! toes 02

By Luz A. Lovern


Workshop Living and Loving our Body and Mind with Total Pilates

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DSC_0047 revAgenda
What is Pilates Method?

Introducing Principles of the Alexander Technique
Relax and enjoy the Pilates Journey, from Mat to Reformer
Pilates and Breathing at the Present Moment
Managing environmental stress
Exercise your body, mind and soul, practice time!
Natural remedies for old pains
Posture and Standing tall.
Training our minds for long term happiness
Pilates and You!

Please if you are free and ready for this contact me directly to my mobile +974 55700967 or

Workshop Price: 100 QR.
Bring with you conformable clothes and pair of sock.

I will provide Healthy Snacks, Tea, lemon water and more…

Reserve your place in advance, space are limited. Any cancelation please 24 hours in advance. Hope to see you Tuesday at 4 pm.

Light on You!

Invoke Peace with LuzLife, Spiritual Fitness

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Invoke Peace with LuzLife, Spiritual Fitness

LuzLife, Spiritual Fitness, invites you to embrace your life, body and mind.  How important is it that you are in charge of your own existence?  How important is it that you are in charge of your own happiness?  How can we be more relaxed and content in our life and express happiness as we flow?  We need to be in the present moment not just when we meditate.  We need to be in the present moment whenever we are breathing and bring the marvelous energies to our mind, body and soul.  Stay inside of your own energies and avoid the fake flatulent of the shallow energies, avoid to be multiple.  Be One!

Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti – Om Peace, Peace, PeaceI

This mantra is an invocation of peace, often repeated at the end of a session of practice.  It has two functions. first, it affirms that peace is available to us at any moment that we choose to tune in to it.  Second, repeating this mantra helps to create more peace in the world, because according to yoga philosophy, when we call something into being with a pure heart and a focused mind, we are using our consciousness to shape reality.  This is in fact the primary purpose of all mantras;  They are tools to manifest intention.  When you do this with full faith, devotion, and focused intention, you will create greater opportunities for peace in all of these realms.

By Luz A. Lovern


In my own Element at LuzLife

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Elements belong of LuzLife Private Studio here in Qatar.

Lord Ganesha bring us the love and power that we need every day to facing new challenge, new energies coming along in our Path. Asking for help and protection to embrace my life as a good human and open heart.

Lord Ganesha bring me joy, peace and love to my present moment. As a Peaceful Warrior need protection and is coming along from the Forest and my always protection element 02 revdevoted Lord Ganesha. Namaste.


A Day at LuzLife Private Studio

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In love to share my new Path! First daily Rehabilitation Mending my body and mind; then be a good example that we can be better every moment.
Good morning Qatar and entire Universe! Here we came!
The menu today for LuzLife is delicious, healthy and refreshing your entire mind and body!
– Starting with Reiki Session
– Yoga Nidra
– LuzLife Total Pilates, the signature of the Movement
– Garuda fundamental
– Alexander Technique and Pilates
-The Spirit of Indoor cycling and Pilates
– Total Body flow!
–  Yoga Asanas following for Meditation and Pranayama.
All the session at LuzLife Private Studio here in Qatar are just by apointment only, tailor made by Luz A. Lovern according your personal goal and muscle skeletal issues and sharing a beautiful and unique environment.
If you are interested in be part of this Studio and Sanctuary, please now you can contact me directly to:, my personal assistant Geremae mobile 77033534 or Luz A. Lovern just by text 55700967.  Now the mail is working perfectly and I am answering more than 500 mails that you kindly send to me during the last fews months.  Apologize for the inconvenience and hope meet you at LuzLife Sanctuary.
Please check “Activity” and “Class Schedule” and of course “What is flow at LuzLife, the Blog.
Namasté by Luz A. Lovern

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Could you put others first, and considered yourself next?

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I have so much to share at this moment; my life and entire existence have a changed perspective.  It’s time to move on to more meaningful pursuits.  I am delight to share with all of you one of is my precious book that is with me from the time I got my life back fews months ago, nothing is for granted, nothing is for sure; but to be happy and help others with enlightenment and clear energies to creating inner peace and more happy  world.  We can do all together, we are all available to be happy!  by Luz A. Lovern

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Cherishing Others as a Way to Happiness.

Mistake: being Egotistical

Could you put others first, and considered yourself next?  Surprisingly, perhaps, you will find that this approach works even from a selfish viewpoint.  Let me explain how this is possible.  You want happiness and do not want suffering, and if you show other people kindness, love, and respect, they will respond in kind, increasing your happiness.  If you show other people anger and hatred, they will show you the same, and you will lose your own happiness.

So, I say, If you are selfish, be “wisely selfish”.  Ordinary selfishness focuses only on your own needs, but if you are wisely selfish, you will treat everyone just as well as you now treat those close to you.  this strategy will produce more satisfaction for you, and more happiness.  So, even from a selfish viewpoint, you get better results by respecting others, serving others, and reducing your own self-centeredness.

By wisely selfish.  Wise people serve others sincerely, putting the needs of others above their own.  The ultimate result will be that you will get more happiness.  The kind of selfishness that sets off fighting, quarreling, stealing harsh words -forgetting others people’s welfare, always thinking “I am, I am, I am” -will result in your own loss.  Others may speak nice words in front of you, but behind your back they will not speak so nicely.  They will make note of our selfishness and respond in kind.  They remedy is to be sincerely concerned with the well-being of others, and to act accordingly.

After all, even thought currently you may not be concerned with other people, you are very much concerned with yourself, no question about it, which mean that you must want to achieve a peaceful mind and a happier daily life.  The best way to do that is by practicing more kindness and tolerance.  There is no need to change the furniture in your house, or move to a new home.  Your neighbor may be very noisy, or very difficult, but so long as your own mind is calm and peaceful, neighbors will not bother you much.  If you are calm, even your enemy cannot disturb you.  However, if you are generally irritable, even when your best friend visits, you cannot became really happy.

This is why I say that you are better off being wisely selfish.  This way you can fulfill your selfish motive to be happy.  That is much better than being self-centered, or foolishly selfish, which will not succeed in bringing you more happiness.

Thy this approach.  I think you will be delighted with the result.

From the Book of Holiness Dalai Lama “How to be Compassionate” translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins




You have to have a dream Just get a dream and got for it!

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photo-4Indoor Cycling has many benefits for all fitness levels. Is a Cardiovascular exercise non impact.

Benefits for your body

The Legs and hips have the largest and strongest muscle groups.
Improving the efficiency of your heart and lungs to be more effective in the transport and return of blood and reduce blood pressure.  Please every time that you are Riding your Indoor Cycling use a Heart Rate Monitor.

Heart Rate Zones describe the different training intensities, we can also improve cycling specific strength, cycling techniques and mental abilities.

Reduce Body Fat, Benefits for Body Mind and Soul.

More concentration, improve your self-esteem, more balanced and improve your life outlook.

Against aging
Detoxing whole body, you increase physical and mental capacity.
Benefit to the ones, increasing density of bones and makes them more strong and resistant to shock and injury.
