Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha


“I offer to you a open heart, I offer to you my own experience and my spiritual journey at this present moment; to bring your own energies back.  I am a Peaceful Warrior.  I am Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha”  by Luz A. Lovern

LuzLife Private Studio offer to you the opportunity to improve your physical fitness with Yoga Asanas, Meditation and Holistic Practices.

Hatha Yoga have eight limbs, relates to an aspect of achieviment a healthy and fulfilling life.

Ashtanga Yoga and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Meditation, Breathing Technique, Yoga Nidra and Yin Yoga.

Prenatal Yoga and Post Natal Yoga are include in the program

Yoga for Kids and special needs.

Teaching Yoga and special needs, “Yoga from the Soul” created for Luz Alejandra Lovern, let take the root of our pain and sorrow, opening heart and mind with forgiving and let go of the past, the mistakes of others and became free.
